Avon Van Hassel

Building Worlds and Filling Them With Magic

So, this snuck up on me, like most things do, these days. I knew the anniversary was coming up, but I thought it was four years, not five. I set up the sale (41% in the US, 52% in the UK, Kindle version of Magic Beans), I scheduled all the social media posts, but I …

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The story A beautiful maiden is cursed by an evil fairy to fall into a deep sleep from which only true love’s kiss can wake her. History of the story Like a lot of our most recognisable fairytales, this one was first published in more or less its current form by Gianbattista Basile, later adapted …

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Do you ever look so forward to savouring something that you almost dread consuming it? Like you worry that your excitement is bigger than the satisfaction of having the thing? Or you’re saving it for just the right moment, but the Right Moment never comes? That was what happened with this book.  It’s difficult and …

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So, remember a thousand years ago, when I mentioned that I hardly ever read a sequel? And have you noticed how every year I promise I’ll read and review a book per month, but I hardly ever do? Well, friends, I have for you today, a unicorn. Not only have I read the third and …

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That which we call a rose would smell as sweet. But would it? Would Harry Potter be such an everyman if his name were Albus Dumbledore? Would Aragon, son of Arathorn, be so inspiring if he were named Bilbo Baggins? Is it just familiarity that makes these names feel perfect, or is there actually something …

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It’s a hallmark of humanity to mourn and honour our dead: all cultures do it, they have done it throughout time. Here, in the west, our trends have changed a lot over time, and some of the ways we did it in the past may look foreign to us, now, but it’s really the same …

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The Regency Redingote

Historical Snippets of Regency England

Raveena at Home

Professional Organiser, Malaysia

Unfuck Your Paganism

We can do better

Jane Austen's World

This Jane Austen blog brings Jane Austen, her novels, and the Regency Period alive through food, dress, social customs, and other 19th C. historical details related to this topic.


Prayers to the Gods of Olympus

The Forest Witch

Singer of Spells, Tea Maker, Artist


Natural Korean beauty, hand-picked with love

Gather Victoria


Colonies, Ships, and Pirates

Concerning History in the Atlantic World, 1680-1740

The Old Shelter

Sarah Zama Author and Coach - Official website

Whitley Abell

Youth Librarian

Dun Brython

A Brythonic Polytheist Blog

Words That Burn Like Fire

Welcome to the Adventure

The Druids Garden

Spiritual journeys in tending the living earth, permaculture, and nature-inspired arts

Jacob Devlin

Please don't feed the dragon.